Forest Firefighting Drones assist in fire rescue

2023-11-09 14:00

Yesterday was National Fire Protection Day. National Fire Protection Day was established to raise public awareness of fire prevention , self-rescue, and mutual rescue, promote fire safety knowledge, and promote the whole society to form a better atmosphere of caring and supporting fire protection work.

Our company has always attached great importance on fire safety, and in order to help the construction of fire safety, we have also launched a new product, Forest Firefighting Drones.

Forest Firefighting Drones uses advanced flight control technology and high-definition cameras, with real-time monitoring, firefighting and rescue functions. When a fire breaks out, firefighters can use a remote control to quickly fly the drone to the fire scene and obtain images and videos of the fire scene in real time. Firefighters can fully understand the fire situation and make more accurate decisions far away from the fire source. It can increase the safety of rescue.

Forest Firefighting Drones are also equipped with fire extinguishing devices that can extinguish fire sources by spraying water mist or fire extinguishing agents. Forest Firefighting Drones have a flexible maneuverability and precise spray capabilities. They can extinguish fires within the fire scene and in small spaces, effectively controlling the spread of the fire.

The application of Forest Firefighting Drones not only improves the efficiency of fire rescue, but also greatly reduces the risk to firefighters. Forest Firefighting Drones also provide strong support for ensuring the safety of people's lives and property.

On this special day, we also call on everyone to strengthen fire safety awareness and improve fire prevention capabilities. We will also continue to combine technological means with personal abilities to become a responsible and responsible enterprise.

Forest Firefighting Drones

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