What you need to know about multi-rotor drones

2023-07-11 10:06

In recent years, the popularity of drones has continued to increase, and they are widely used in many fields such as surveying and mapping, racing, and logistics. This is because they play an important role in drones.

In this article, we will introduce you to the types of multirotor drones and how they work. This will help you better understand and appreciate this advanced technology.

Multirotor drones are drones that generate lift through two or more rotors with fixed rotating blades. Compared to a helicopter, the angle of the rotor is immutable. By changing the relative speed between different rotors, the propulsion torque can be adjusted, thereby controlling the flight trajectory of the aircraft. Multicopters are relatively simple and stable. At present, the appearance of multi-rotor aircraft is much smaller than that of aircraft, which is very suitable for industrial operations and leisure purposes.

Multirotor drones

The multirotor drones are simple to operate and can take off and land vertically without a runway. The reliability of multi-rotor drones mainly relies on brushless motors, so they are very reliable. At the same time, multi-rotor drones are easy to operate and have strong stability, and have been widely used in various industrial and agricultural fields. In agriculture, farmers can quickly learn to operate multi-rotor drones, and the drones can carry various payloads, such as liquid pesticides or seeds. This makes spraying and seeding very efficient. In industry, drones are used for tasks such as mapping, mining and surveillance. In terms of transportation, they greatly improve work efficiency.

Different configurations are suitable for different application areas, with performance differences in flight time, agility, stability and payload capacity.

Common shapes of multirotor drones include "T" type, "Y" type, "plus" type, "X" type, etc. The choice of multicopter type and shape depends on what works best for you.

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