The rise of great powers - represented by the field of drones

2023-09-18 19:00

On September 18, 1931, was an extremely heavy day for all the Chinese people. Today, 92 years ago, it was a scar carved on the heart of the Chinese nation. Now, 92 years have passed, and today's China is no longer the China of 1931. From humiliation to catching up; from suffering to gradually becoming glorious; today's China has long changed. Today, the country is intact and we are self-reliant.

The rise of China is inseparable from the hard work of every Chinese people. Talents in various fields have sacrificed their lives and blood to achieve our current position, from manufacturing to technological innovation, from financial services to e-commerce, from the gaming and entertainment industry The rapid rise of China, each of which represents the support of the Chinese government and rapid economic development. Among them, the industries represented by the drone field is rising strongly and leading the market trend.

From the very beginning, drones were mainly used for military reconnaissance. At that time, we could only study some simple drone systems, and the various drone systems were not yet mature. At the stage of technology accumulation, we have increased investment in UAV technology and research. The government and military have begun to develop and produce more advanced UAV systems. At the same time, we have also begun to integrate UAVs into Applied to various industries and fields, such as agriculture, environmental protection, etc. In the rise stage from 2010 to today, we have continued to break through the limitations of technology and made great progress and development in this stage. Our drone R&D technology and production technology are rising rapidly, and we have become the leader in the field of drones in the country. important participants. While we have made important expansion progress in drone technology and application expansion, drone application fields are constantly expanding, and drones are combined with emerging industry sectors. Further development has begun. For example, the field of drones has been combined with the logistics industry to develop and produce the emerging Logistics express drone suitable for logistics distribution. This product can improve the timeliness of logistics and enable goods to be delivered to the receiving location more quickly, and it can deliver express packages to some more remote areas, saving time, manpower and material costs. Or it is a weather detection system applied to the ocean. Marine weather detection UAV can detect weather in the ocean, which can reduce the cost of manual detection. Moreover, the positioning of Marine weather detection UAV is clearer and the position can be monitored more clearly. Or the Agricultural Plant Protection Multi-rotor UAV used in the agricultural field. Farmers can use it to spray pesticides, which will make pesticide spraying more environmentally friendly. At the same time, the Agricultural Plant Protection Multi-rotor UAV can also perform water irrigation, which can quickly complete plant protection work, improve work efficiency, and improve the quality and quality of crops.

The development of China's UAV field has received strong support from all aspects. The development of the UAV soul and spirit is not only a display of China's innovative strength, but also an important symbol of my country's manufacturing and technology fields moving towards high-end. From then on, China Manufacturing is no longer just a phrase, but a symbol that embodies the tenacity and unyieldingness of a great country.

Agricultural Plant Protection Multi-rotor UAV

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