Linghang Little Classroom: Tips You Need to Know About UAVs Chapter 1

2023-09-11 19:00

From understanding drones to applying drones, everyone will definitely face many problems, wondering how to maximize the advantages of drone technology applications. Today's article is here to talk to you about how to apply some tips to improve the various applications of drones to a stronger level, because only by constantly improving the level of learning can we help you. Better to be invincible.

1. Conduct a terrain survey and explore.

For the drone to be able to fly normally, the first important point is to conduct terrain survey in advance. Some drones do not have the function of vertical take-off and landing, need to run for a period of time in advance before they can take off smoothly. Therefore, before conducting terrain exploration in advance and observing if the unknown terrain can allow the drone to take off, it is also important point for the drone to successfully complete the work in the subsequent time. Of course, monitoring the terrain in advance can also help us understand the terrain. If we are performing an aerial photography mission, we can also avoid some unsightly pictures. At the same time, we can also blast the certificate without signal interference around it.

hybrid electric drone

2. Clarify the theme of the flight mission.

A clear theme that can be applied to any mission. Whether you are using drones to monitor terrain, or using drones for security monitoring, etc., only by clarifying the theme of the task can you focus on a certain aspect of the theme for shooting. Taking aerial photography as an example, we need to imagine in advance what kind of story we want to shoot. Is it to shoot a lake, grand event, move a building, or a neighborhood? How should we show the uniqueness of the scenery? If sometimes we just want to shoot landscapes but have not determined the clear subject we want to shoot, it doesn’t actually matter, as long as the subject of the video we shoot is clear.

3. Rehearse in advance

When we perform a task, we must not waste every minute of shooting time. We can conduct some drills in advance to familiarize ourselves with the shooting scenes, familiarize ourselves with the shooting operations, and find good angles to avoid accidents during the official shooting.

4. Always be prepared to shoot

If the content we want to shoot is about changes in the weather, then we must be prepared, always observe changes in the weather, and check in advance if the drone is fully charged, whether there is space in the memory, and whether the camera settings are Is it accurate? Then, once the weather changes, we can devote ourselves to shooting at any time.

mapping drones

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