Generous employee benefits, demonstrating care

2023-10-06 21:58

During the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, the company provided generous benefits to all employees to express its care and gratitude to its employees. This initiative aims to inspire employees' work enthusiasm, improve team cohesion, and further promote the company's development.

The company gives each employee a certain holiday subsidy to help employees spend this traditional festival. This subsidy will be distributed differentially based on employees’ working years and level of contribution to ensure fairness and reasonableness. This subsidy can be used to purchase holiday gifts or for personal consumption, allowing employees to feel the company's care and warmth during the holiday season.

The company also provides employees with certain holiday adjustments so that employees can better arrange their holiday time. Such adjustments will help employees fully rest, adjust their status, better devote themselves to work, and improve work efficiency and quality.

Company executives said that this series of employee welfare measures is the company's recognition and reward for employees' hard work and dedication, and is also a reflection of the company's culture of paying attention to employee welfare. The company will always be employee-centered, continue to pay attention to the needs and welfare of employees, and provide employees with a better working environment and development opportunities.

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