Carry out public welfare activities and spread love

2023-08-13 17:00

Today, we cannot lead employees to carry out team building activities, but we also actively respond to social responsibilities and lead employees to carry out public welfare activities. The purpose of this event is to convey love and actively give back to society.

In order to better help those in need, we have organized a team of public welfare volunteers. Volunteers actively participated in preparations for the event, including material procurement and volunteer training. They used their actions to practice the company's corporate c culture of "love without boundaries" and dedication.

We went to our local orphanages and nursing homes today, sending warmth and care to the children and elderly people there. Volunteers provided rich cultural and entertainment activities for the elderly, including song and dance performances, interactive games, etc., allowing them to have a good time. At the same time, we also sent them food, daily necessities, and other materials to meet their basic living needs.

This public welfare activity not only made the elderly feel the care from the society, but also made our employees deeply appreciate the joy of dedication. By participating in public welfare activities, employees have learned more about the importance of cherishing li Fe and caring for others, and enhanced their sense of teamwork and responsibility.

As a social enterprise, the company has always actively participated in public welfare undertakings. We believe that only by actively giving back to society can we achieve long-term development. In the future, we will continue to carry out more public welfare activit ies and make Greater contributions to society. Through this public welfare activity, we hope to lead more enterprises and individuals to pay attention to vulnerable groups, care for the society, and jointly create a warm and harmonious social environment. We believe that society will be better place as long as everyone can play their part.

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